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Birds Eye view of the town



So here we are, entering our new world. From the sky, like Gods, we can admire the grayish landscape dotted with Victorian houses. The gothic atmosphere is tangible, and if you are an appreciator of Victorian horror themes like me, you will be enchanted by this beautiful and mysterious town.




These screenshots have been lightned so that you could better see the landscape. The in-game colors are actually darker one tone darker. (Click on the images to enlarge them)


Background Stories:

The background stories of Midnight Hollow are those of whom already live in this little, mysterious dark hole.  These families are:
The Specters (for new simmers she is a black widow introduced during the Live Broadcast of September, for long time simmer like me Olive Specter is an epic return from The Sims 2!)

Jack Limb (Jack is a collector of pristine toys with a strong drive for toy making, and he is also trying to rescue his beloved from Dr. Synapse)

 The Princes (two confused teenagers that have escaped their demanding mother and their town to go live with their grandparents while hoping to discover who they really are before becoming young adults)


The Enterpreneurs (three eccentric friends that are trying to do something with their lives)

The Salas(a ghostly mixed family!)

The Does (the perfect family… in the not so perfect house...)

Samantha Nguyen (an eccentric girl covered in tattoos and that likes to travel)

The Zyggfleds (An odd couple this one! A model who turned out to be a surgeon, and her glam rock showy epicene husband!)

Julian Wheeler (rich but cheap, cheap guy! Not the best choice for a woman that likes nice things…)

Katarina Stewart (Well, she is… she is like a… doll. Even though I would say she is more of a psycho. However, she has a crush on Jack Limb because of his appreciation for toys, and you know, she thinks she is a doll...)

Kara Carter (she is a stylish chef that cooks a fabulous Goopy Carbonara! You have to try it to believe it!)

Sombre (a metal band and their determinate female vocalist)

Conrad Finley (a news anchor who lacks of melanin! Do not worry though, because he does not miss it!)

Trang Pham (an artist that hates art…hmm!)

For those out there who think that Midnight Hollow’s world does not have daylight: You are mistaken!

Midnight Hollows has daylight, only not as bright as in other regular Sims-Worlds (that is because the standard colors are set to a toned down style). This new world is meant to be that way for its dark-gothic theme, therefore, if you do not appreciate this type of gameplay save your money and do not grumble! There are many people that do enjoy this type of style and you must be respectful of different preferences. The creators have done a great job! Let us give them some credit!

Fausto Vasquez (he is a very narcissistic Sim! In fact, when Faust understood that his beauty was beginning to vanish with his youth, he decided to date an older Sim just to feel better about himself! Deceitful!)

The Winchesters (they are blue-blooded royals too crazy to rule, but still trying to get the power by getting their hands mixed in politics)

Phineas Bledsoe (a man of knowledge! Phineas can judge good high fashion just as much as good writing)

The Laus(three sisters trying to share with the world their sciences… even though they have not be very lucky so far)

The Flynns (Jackson Bishop is an opportunistic uncle that has choose to guard his orphaned nephews because of the fortune that their father has left them)

Lucien Hyde (depression is his thing! He enjoys his depression)

Polrot (an exhibitionist whose light is gone, and with it the days in which he was considered a great talent. Could love give him back that light?)

Nathan Watts (a very serious and dedicated inventor in the energy and technology field)

Eliza Ainsley (Eliza loves her loneliness!)

Roderick Synapse (an evil scientist and an abductor! Watch out for this Sim!)

The Yates( one of the creepiest families of Midnight Hollow! If you have ever watched or even only heard of the renowned movie Psycho, you may understand what I am referring to when I say… CREEPY SON-MOTHER story…)


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On the left Olive Specter in The Sims 2. One the bottom left Olive Spencer in The Sms 3. (You can click to enlarge the second picture).

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