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Kiki: Hello Tess, and welcome.

Tess Miller: Well, hello everyone!

Kiki: Describe yourself in five words to our readers.

Tess Miller: Neurotic, attractive, friendly, dramatic, star ambitions.

Kiki: When you say neurotic what do you mean?

Tess Miller:(She laughs) I cannot seem to stick with one mood. It changes all the time. It is like I am constantly having my period. (She laughs again)

Kiki: I am pretty sure we are almost all like that, Tess (I giggle). Albeit, let us go back to talking about you. Who are you, Tess? Or better yet, who were you before becoming what you are today?

Tess Miller: Let’s see. I was born in Sunset Valley 25 years ago. My parents were both photographers and they were relentlessly taking pictures of me. I believe that my mom has saved more than 50 photo-albums somewhere. 

Kiki: Wow, that sound like lots of pictures.

Tess Miller: (She laughs) Oh yeah. Definitely! Though, I never complained. I was a little diva. However, it is thanks to my parents that at the age of 10 I became a professional model. Since then I have never stopped, and today I work for Vexstar. (She smiles)

Kiki: Indeed you do! Tess how does it feels to work for such a recognized brand?

Tess Miller: It’s great! Wherever I ago Sims stop me for autographs, or even just to tell me that they like to use the same cosmetics that I endorse in my commercials. At work it is great as well. The Sims I work with are talented and dedicated. Everyone is so very professional!

Kiki:  How did you win your place in Vexstar? I am sure there were many other competitors.

Tess Miller: Like I said I am a professional. I have been modeling since I was born and I am not afraid of showing my skills. When you interview for a job and you believe in yourself you will practically win that job. So that’s how I won my place at Vexstar. I was very self-confident! (She smiles)

Kiki: Well, aspirant sim-models, you heard Tess! Be self-confident!I have one last question for you, Tess. What are your projects for the future?
Tess Miller: If you mean in my private life I’ll tell you right away that I am so not interested in forming a ...

Tess Miller posing for  VEXSTAR. (Click on the image to see the full size). 

Created by Kiki Umbaugh, Editor of Simszine

Interview with Tess Millard the new face of the Vexstar

Tess Miller posing for  VEXSTAR. (Click on the image to see the full size). Created by Kiki Umbaugh, Editor of Simszine


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