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Episode 1 part 1:

Everything began on a cold night of September. I was walking one of my dogs when a strange old lady came out of a dark narrow path and blocked my way.  I immediately thought that something was not right about her and what it surprised me more was that I had not heard her coming.  It felt like she had appeared.
The old lady was wearing a long gown, her hair was wrapped up in a bandana, and her hands were covered by an old pair of gloves.

“Oh dear!” she exclaimed with a frightened but relieved look, “For a second I thought that you were…” she stopped. “May I help you?” I asked her immediately, thinking she was lost or not feeling well.

“I am a seer you know? Why don’t you stop and let me look inside you?” she said taking my hand.  I drew back uncomfortably and shook my head.


“No. Thank you.” I answered.  “There are things you should know, dear” she insisted, “Things that belongs to the darkness”.

 “I have to go, I am sorry” I told her.  The old woman nodded. “As you wish, my dear. Just remember this name…Wysteria Barton,” she said before walking away.

 “Crazy old lady” I whispered with puzzled expression, then continued to walk my dog.

When I returned home I decided that I could not go to sleep yet. What had happened was really odd and I could not take my mind off of it.  I certainly did not think that what the old lady had told me had any real meaning, but I felt like I should do some research.

 In the silence of my office I began my research. In my browser I typed the name that the crazy old lady had told me: “WYSTERIA BARTON.”  All I could find was an old article dated the 31st of October, 1863. The article contained a good portrait of the woman as well.


As soon as my eyes meet those of the woman in the old portrait I knew something was not right. Who was she…? And why did she look so much like me?

The article spoke of a murder:


“The body of a young woman, Wysteria Barton, was found this morning by the police abandoned on a dark path in the city of Moonlight Falls. Police reported that the circumstances of the murder are still a mystery.  Wysteria Barton was born on the 28TH August, 1840."


There were too many mysterious sides to that story.  I began to think that the old lady that I had met on the street was not crazy at all, and that I should really look deeper into this

The following day I visited Luke, an old friend with access to Moonlight Falls’ police cold case and history archives.  I needed to find more information, and Wysteria Barton’s files were stored somewhere in that archive.

Scroll down to read the entire episode!

“I am looking for a woman…” I told him, “Her name was Wysteria Barton. She was murdered in 1863 in our city. Do you mind if I look through the old cold cases?”

“Not at all” Luke said. He was more than happy to help me.  He had always been a good friend to me.  “Only make sure you do not borrow more than one file at the time. You know the rules.” I smiled at him and I began my research.

For one long hour I looked through hundreds of cold cases from the 1800’s, but there was no trace of Wysteria Barton.

“Thanks for your help, Luke. Sadly I could not find the folder I needed”, I told him.  He seemed thoughtful. “What was the name of the woman you are looking for, again?”
“Wysteria Barton” I said.  He looked through some papers on his desk, then he said: “Oh right! Yesterday another person asked me to borrow the same files” he informed me.  “Really?” I asked him surprised “Can you tell me who was it?”
“Yeah sure. Chuck Finn is his name. A private investigator.”
“I will look him up, Luke! Thanks a lot! You are a good friend.”

Episode 2 part 1:

It was not hard to find Finn.  He lived in an apartment on 5th street. I knocked at his door multiple times before he finally opened and let me in. It was clear that he had been asleep even though it was 12pm. “Who are you?” he asked me putting on his glasses, then his expression suddenly changed. For some odd reason it reminded me of the expression on the old lady’s face.  “Holy …cow!” he whispered. “Have you come here to kill me?”

“What? No” I answered perplexed. “My name is Kiki Umbaugh. I am a writer and a journalist.” I told him. “So you are not her?” he asked me.  “Her..? Who?”
“Wysteria Barton” he answered promptly.

 “No, of course not. The woman has been dead for 150 years” I said. ”Although, I can see how you could think I am her… I have a very disturbing resemblance with this woman” I admitted.

“You do!” he said enthusiastically. “This is just crazy! Maybe you two come from the same family.”
I nodded. “That is why today I am here. I need the files that you borrowed.”

“I can give you more than that. I can give you her true identity” he said, then he invited me to sit and listen to his story. At this point the weird man was starting to worry me.


 His little apartment was trashed, and his walls were covered in vampire pictures. He seemed to be obsessed with vampires, so obsessed that he did not seem to sleep much …or have time to clean up that mess.

“Her true identity you said…?” I repeated while thinking how to get out of the situation.

“Correct. I am a vampire investigator. Over the years I have managed to find many of their hideouts and meeting events. I know who they are; where they live; how they live; and for how long they have been who they are.” He said.  “Alright, this is just crazy…” I told him. “Just hand me her files. Would you?”
“You must believe me!” he shouted. “I know that all I seem like right now is someone with a psychiatric problem, but I am telling you the truth.”

“I have worked on Wysteria Barton’s case for years. She is so… so impossible to find. It is like she is always a step ahead of me” he explained. “She is indeed! Kalf, her companion and vampire master, protects her. That is why I cannot get to her!”

“Because she is the closest vampire to Kalf.” He explained “Kalf is a vampire that is almost as old as the world itself.  He is who killed Wysteria and turned her into a vampire in 1863.  Together they have turned thousands of regular sims into vampires and they still do. They are at the head of the vampire family in this city and it is impossible to get close to them.”

“I have tried. God only knows if I have tried!” he sobbed “I managed to gather all this information through Romus Rufus. That vampire is like Judah, always ready to spit out whatever you want in exchange for blood and women. I have introduced women to him that wished to become part of that circle and in exchange he has given me information in about his master Kalf and his spouse Wysteria.  I am not proud of the things I have done, but those women did not mind at all.”

“My source has reported that Kalf and Wysteria travel a lot but that their official residence is in the large manor on the other side of the city. I am sure that you have driven by it before. That house is hard to miss.”
“I did. I thought it was abandoned…” I said.  “It is not, trust me” he said grinning. “However, it appears that Barton was Wysteria’s maiden name, which is different from yours.”
“I think she may have inherited her surname from her mother. Maybe her father left them for another woman and that is probably why we have different surnames. Her father must be my actual ancestor and he must have re-married to someone of my family. Or maybe her mother left her and her father and re-married someone of my family,” I began speculating. “That is a good possibility,” he agreed.

“Can I ask you how you come to know about Wysteria Barton?”
I exhiled. “A mysterious old woman stopped me on the street few nights ago. She wanted to read my mind or something… and when I refused she told me to remember a name.”
“Wysteria Barton” he said. “Yes…” I aswered. “Well I am please to inform you that the old lady was the witch Melwa.”
“You know her?” I asked him. “Yes, I managed one meeting with her. She does not spill her guts as much as Romus does though, and I know that she knows more than she says.”

“I see …” I answered thoughtful.
I stood up to look at the wall covered in notes.  That man was really obsessed with vampires. I felt sorry for him.


Then my eyes stopped on those of Wysteria.

“Why are you so interested into finding her?” I asked him.

What makes you think that Wysteria was killed by a vampire and turned into one herself?
The man grinned. “Let me show you my research. It will give you all the information that you need to know”.

“The official police report says that her killer murdered her by sucking all the blood out of her body through her neck veins. Wysteria herself had blood covering her lips. If you know anything about vampires then you know what this looks like.”
I nodded slowly. “I suppose I do.”

 “I will find you. It’s a promise.”

SimStories -

Continue reading this story in next Simzine Issue of November->


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