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Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and then add three chopped tomatoes, two onions, 4 cloves of garlic, and two leeks. Cook on low heat for a few minutes while stirring (the vegetable need to soften).


At this point you can add to the mixture some orange zest, thyme, and bay leaf. Add the shellfish and the boiling water. Do not forget to season with salt and black pepper! 

Add fish, and cook on low heat. To understand when the fish is ready just look at color and texture of it. It should be opaque and tender (although, the fish should not be too tender. If it is, it will break apart).

When you are sure that your fish is ready adjust the seasoning and saffron. Your fish stew is now ready to be served. Pour the soup into a soup dish and serve it to your family and friends!

Et Voila'!

Kiki'sKitchen -

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