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The Wincher’s house is not only filled with history though.  Darla likes to mix it up with a light touch of modern. “I like to add just a little modern design. It makes the room stand out. Kitty's room is a good example,” she says.  A good example indeed! Darla has mixed an orange modern night stand with a white princess bed and old style yellow curtains. "Yellow, white, and pink create a magic effect for her room. It creates a little fantasy environment," Darla says. "Kitty loves it. She always brags about it with her little girlfriends," she giggles. 

"The kitchen is my favorite room of course. I spend most of my time in it. It is like my office! I create my exepimental dishes at home, then when I have mastered a new recipe, I take my idea to my restaurant and teach it to the other chefs. I love my kitchen also because its furnitire was my grandmother's.  It reminds me of when I used to be a young child and I would stare at my grandmother while she was cooking. She was a great cook! I get it from her!" Darla says giggling.

The Winchers love to eat their meals in the sunscreen porch.

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