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TheSims4 -

In regards to the traits, they will be available in this new title as well, only accompanied by emotions (such as what tickles your Sims, what makes them sad etc…).  Depression or anger can also kill these new Sims, even though is still not clear how.  Moreover, the Sims will not any longer have the old wishes system but a goal system.

The CAS’s new tool is certainly the most innovative improvement of this new title.  In fact, in the creation of the Sims, sliders are not going to be the principal and only tool to create our game’s characters. Instead, gamers will be using a tool that will allow them to mold the Sims as sculptor would mold a statue.  Everything is stretchable and enlargeable!
As for the buiding Mode, we know that in The Sims 4 things will be far better than before! The process is the same but the tools have changed.  The gamer still needs to lay foundation, raise walls and place furniture, albeit, the new system will allow the player to move walls, for example, without having to destroy them or re-arranging the whole house only because the player changed his or her mind about something or mistakenly built a room too small or too big. Even ceilings are editable. Now it will be possible to adjust them to the desired high.


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SimGuru Rachel during the presentation of The Sims 4 at the Gamescom.

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If any of you followed the two live broadcasts from Gamescom or watched the re-streamed videos on YouTube, you might recall how one Sim has the ability to distress another Sim by simply playing a sad violin song.

Sims will be affected by the world that surrounds them (even by what they are wearing!), and they will relate to the world around them through their emotions (for example, if they are depressed they will not perform well at work). Also, emotions differ with the age of the Sim.

sims 4
sims 4





a soul


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