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Sims Camp Revelations

Although fresh news has not yet been released by EA or any of the Sims-Gurus, the lucky simmers that participated in the Sims Camp at Gamescom, have recently released a few more details regarding the upcoming EA title, The Sims 4, to the public.  As the little news rat that I am, I have gathered for you the most important new details released by our lucky co-simmers. Let us begin!

Before listing all the available future game features, I would like to eliminate a little rock in my shoe: the height modification.  It appears that height modification is not going to be in The Sims 4 because of the insane work that something like that would imply. Yes, I can hear your voices wondering “Why?! What is so hard about it?”

Well, let us give a look to how animation works. As in any videogame, animation is first acted out by a real person and captured by a camera (even in the case in which the creators are not actually using motion capture software).  In The Sims 4 someone acts out the scene that the animator asks for and afterward that scene is re-created by animation software such as Maya (which appears to be the software used by the Sims creators).  When the animations are ready they are transferred to Swing (The Sims Studio’s internal software).  However, each of these animations is very complex and The Sims 4 will offer about 15,000 animations.  Now, how long, and especially, how much work would it take for the creators to go through each animation and set different heights? Too long and too much work as explained by the creators.  Therefore, let us forget about the Sims heights and focus on what we will actually find in the game.

One of the screenshots taken by Sim Camp guests

Walking path: In The Sims 4, Sims will be able to walk in any direction and any space (even the smallest one). In the Sims 2 and 3 getting around was still an issue. Sims could not go past object that were too close. In The Sims 4, Sims will be able to walk through the tightest space without a problem by simply turning sideways to get past the tight walking path. If you are as Sims-obsessed as me, in this instant you should be jumping out of your skin! This is definitely a great improvement for the game.  Furthermore, in The Sims 4, Sims will not have any issue when walking into a room full of Sims.  If another Sim is blocking their way they will take another path to get where the player has ordered them to go, and they will do it smoothly, without stopping and/or waving at the player for the issue encountered in their way.


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